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Don't break the one-China principle

(Kuala Lumpur, August 5th) Dr Aixinjueluo Yuhao, Vice President of the World Chinese Association and President of the African Region, said that the Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan in disregard of regional peace. Seriously undermine the one-China principle.

The one-China principle is the aspiration of the people on both sides of the strait, and it is also the common aspiration of the Chinese people around the world. Tan Sri Dr Yuhao called on the Chinese people around the world to strengthen the principle of "China" and adhere to the belief in fighting against independence and promoting reunification. As a tool for outsiders to divide compatriots, Taiwan has become the second Ukraine and become a conflict spot of regional unrest, and the reunification of the two sides of the strait will be realized at an early date. World Chinese President Datuk Seri Dr. Cheng Wanqi also said that not long ago, Hong Kong pro-democracy activists had also listened to greedy words and incited to go into the streets to do unreasonable street protests, and what happened in the end? Should the Taiwan independence elements in Taiwan be used again as historical sinners who disrupt the unity of the Chinese nation, given the lessons learned from Hong Kong?

The one-China principle is an irreversible situation, and it is also the aspiration of the people on both sides of the strait. Chinese people all over the world should follow the current situation and contribute to the reunification of the two sides of the strait and jointly accomplish the historical task of the Chinese nation.

(吉隆坡8月5日訊) 世界華人總會副會長兼非洲區會長丹斯里Dr Aixinjueluo Yuhao 博士表示美国眾議院議長佩洛西不顧區域和平公然窜访台湾,已然枉顧中美关系不可跨越的红线,嚴重破壞一個中國原則。

一中原則是兩岸人民心之所向更是全球華人共同的願望丹斯里Dr Yuhao 呼籲全球華人堅定ㄧ中原則,堅持反獨促統回歸統一的信念,世界華人總會也勸告台獨勢力不要淪為外人分裂同胞的工具讓台灣變成第二個烏克蘭成為區域動亂的衝突火點,早日實現兩岸統一。 世界華人總會長拿督斯里Dr程萬琦博士也表示不久前香港民運份子也曾聽信饞言煽動投入街頭做不明究理的街頭抗爭而最終下場如何?在香港的前車之鑒下難道台灣的台獨份子還要再被利用做為打亂中華民族團結的歷史罪人嗎?


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